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5 best free SSL Certificates for a secure site

In the digital age, having excellent security is an absolute must for a website to succeed. All of your information and website data need to stay confidential or no one will use the website. This is why SSL, or Secure Socket Layer, is so important.

The SSL is a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web browser and a web server. This ensures that any and all data will remain private and confidential. An SSL is an essential tool for your website especially if you have an e-commerce store or handle any financial transactions.

Have you ever seen a lock icon next to the URL in your website address bar? When this lock icon appears next to the link, it means that the website it protected by SSL. IF you don’t see the lock, the website is less secure.

Having SSL on your WordPress website is ideal for several reasons. An SSL will protect you from data breaches, it improves your overall rankings in search engines, and it gives visitors a good reason to trust you with sensitive information. Adding security to your website also doesn’t have to be expensive. A lot of very good SSL certificates can be obtained for free. There are also three different types of certificates: the Domain Validated (DV), Organization Validated (OV) and Extended Validated (EV).

The DV is for blogs and business websites that don’t ask for customer information. The OV is more secure, and is for websites that ask and store customer information. The EV is the most secure version, and is ideal for websites with constant financial transactions and sensitive customer information. It’s also important to note that while there are many options for free SSL certificates an many of the options are similar in features, the installation process for each one is different. Although, once the SSL certificate has been downloaded, all instructions for installation will be provided.

Σε αυτό το άρθρο της Web4all θα μιλήσουμε για την δυνατότητα να βρεις δωρεάν SSL Certificates.

Let’s Encrypt

Let’s Encrypt is a good choice for a free SSL certificate. This option is fully open source and is compatible with every major platform. In fact, this certificate includes support from managed WordPress hosts. Also, this SSL certificate is valid for 90 days at a time.

WordPress HTTPS SSL Plugin

This WordPress HTTPS SSL plugin from CreativeMinds allows websites to automatically redirect from HTTP to use HTTPs instead by enabling SSL communication. In fact, admin can set SSL redirects for the entire domain or choose select pages for secure re-direction in the settings.

Automatically redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Generate a free SSL certificate from the trusted Let’s Encrypt service and force your entire website to support SSL. One unique feature of this free SSL plugin is that it can easily generate an SSL certificate with just one click. No need for a third-party platform or some complicated installation instructions. All SSL can be easily controlled from the admin dashboard.

This SSL plugin also includes a scanner that checks for mixed or unsecured content in your database, like images, and makes sure that the content is not blocked by the SSL. The issue is located quickly and can be fix with just the click of one button.


Cloudflare is actually a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that works to block harmful malware and traffic as well as combat brute force attacks. There is also a single click SSL feature to send your content through HTTPS.

Just one click and all your traffic will go to your website through Cloudflare and every single page will include an SSL. This option is incredibly well known and has an excellent 24/7 support team always ready to help.

SSL For Free

This option is pretty self-explanatory. This SSL option is available for free and is a nonprofit certificate authority. All major browsers and websites support SSL For Free, and the installation process is simple.

Once the SSL certificate is created, the private keys that are generated in your browser and never transmitted get deleted. This option is widely known and trusted and is completely free forever, with no constant renewals like other SSL options.


GoGetSSL is a newer SSL option and a public SSL certificate provider. SSL certificates are available for 90 days at a time. In addition, the installation process only takes about five minutes and there is no face-to-face verification or text and call confirmation required.

This GoGetSSL is fully compatible with all major browsers like Chrome, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, and Firefox, and offers better search engine rankings with built-in SEO with each certificate. This option protects websites, applications, and all online transactions.

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Security is a major concern for all websites, and there are many different types of ways to make and keep a website secure. However, an SSL certificate is one of the easiest and most secure ways to secure your content and data online.

It’s important to note that adding more security to your website doesn’t have to be costly. The free SSL options listed above are highly rated and popular choices. You can easily secure all your web pages and data with SSL without paying a dime and not having to worry about information being transmitted insecurely online.

Also, the more websites you have, the more SSL certificates that you need to have. A free SSL certificate will secure only one domain per certificate and that includes sub-domains as well.

Image of Pavlos Mavroudis

Pavlos Mavroudis CCNA,MCP, MSc

Ο Παύλος Μαυρουδής είναι WordPress Designer και Εκπαιδευτής Ενηλίκων. Εργάστηκε 15 χρόνια στον χώρο της πληροφορικής/τηλεπικοινωνιών και είναι MSc στην Κοινωνική και Αλληλέγγυα Οικονομία.
Αγαπημένο του σύνθημα "δούλεψε για να ζήσεις" και όχι ζήσε για να δουλεύεις.